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Friday, 15 July 2016



A post like this (LOVE those zippered pouches!!) makes me wish I were a seamstress. I guess it's never too late? *sigh* Instead, I've forwarded it to my daughter. She's a novice with her sewing machine, but maybe it will inspire her to try something different. ;) (hint, hint, if you see this comment, Victoria)

Anne Donald

If only you had posted this last week, before I bought a Craftsy Class on the same subject!! But then Meredithe (Pomegranate and Chintz, wouldn't have earned commission on my purchase!) Never mind, between the Craftsy class and your excellent tutorial, I shall be turning out zippy bags by the score!!
Have a great weekend, Anne xx

Two Crafty Brownies

Hi Kelly
Thank you so much! They are so much fun to make and quick once you get the hang of it. Next on the list is a zippered book bag with handles for my little girls friend for her birthday. I hope Victoria gives it a go! Have a lovely weekend,
Lucy xxx

Two Crafty Brownies

Hello lovely Anne! Well I am pleased that Meredithe got her commission! I look forward to seeing some zippered pouches on your blog! Have a great weekend, Lucy xxx

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