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Friday, 10 June 2016


Anne Donald

Your WI group sounds fabulous - some years ago I joined The Rural (the Scottish WI) but it wasn't for me ...... some of the older ladies were just too set in their ways to welcome new ideas. Interesting cake recipe - and the icing sounds delicious.
I'm looking forward to meeting you and your Mum - and as I'm organising the kitchen, you will get the best of cakes!!


How lovely that a WI group was just starting in your area. I hope you and Lucy enjoy many happy times with the group. How exciting that you're going to meet my friend Anne! Anne has visited me a couple of times in Australia, but unfortunately I haven't made it over to her in Scotland yet. Have a fab time with your Mum. Hugs to you all xxxx

Two Crafty Brownies

Hi Anne! Thats wonderful news as I know youre a real connoisseur of cakes! Im hoping our WI doesnt go that way! Jenny xxx

Two Crafty Brownies

Thanks, Meredithe, my first time to meet a bloggy friend, I cant wait! I do hope you make it over here one of these days! Hugs, Jenny xxx


I love carrot cake and must print out this recipe! I recently made a spice cake filled with raisins along the same line as this one and it was delicious. Perfect for plant-eaters like me! :)

I expect photos from your meeting with Anne!

Two Crafty Brownies

Hi Kelly, its amazing how delicious cakes can be without butter or eggs, isnt it! Yes, we will definitely take pictures! Jenny xxx

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