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Friday, 13 May 2016



Yes, showers are quite popular here in the US (baby AND bridal) and I've attended all sorts.

I love your bunting idea (I wonder if that has any relation to "bye baby bunting, daddy's gone a hunting..."?) and the materials you chose to use. (especially loving that map material!) It sounds like a wonderful time (diaper game included) and something she'll always treasure.

Two Crafty Brownies

Hi Kelly! Yes, I wondered about that Baby Bunting song too. Thank you for your lovely comment, we had a lot of fun! Jenny xxx


What a great idea! It looks great :)

Two Crafty Brownies

Thank you Sustainable Mum! I showed my friend the half finished bunting and she was very happy. Jenny x

Sent from Jennifers iPad


Such great bunting and sweet little biscuits!

Two Crafty Brownies

Thanks, Meredithe, the baby has now arrived so I must get on and finish the bunting! Jenny xxx

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